How Multifunctional Homes Drive Luxury Real Estate Trends

With unprecedented shifts in work trends due to global health and environmental worries, it’s not surprising what’s ahead for luxury real estate. Flexible work-at-home space, health features and scenic views with security matter the most to most homebuyers in search of multifunctional homes.

How Multifunctional Homes Drive Luxury Real Estate Trends

When in the market for a custom home in the Fort Worth, Texas area, zoom in on the three most important priorities: space, privacy and security/safety. Many communities offer natural landscape, prairie land and coveted openness, but the home design itself should encompass the open-space concept.

To achieve the goal of owning a home that facilitates work, pleasure/vacation, hosting, exercise, family time and entertainment all-in-one, opt for open space with plenty of square footage and flexibility within.  Homes between a cozy 2,500 and spacious 40,000-square feet can accommodate the multifunctional way of life.

Meeting the changing need for work space

More homeowners are choosing flexible work spaces that adapt to more than one need. For example, you might need a mini-nursery or other room within a room. When building a custom home,  think ahead about the various ways one’s lifestyle changes. Plan on using dividers and screens as non-permanent but fashionable ways to divide space. Make a powerful design statement as a backdrop for online or Zoom meetings. Art galleries, vintage record and book collections are back in style because they inspire while touching on feelings of sentimentality.

Seeing double purposes in the kitchen

A kitchen is not just space for cooking. With a custom home kitchen, it’s possible to go beyond function to embrace an entertainment component. Rather than a stark, modern kitchen, make a fashion statement that puts family and friends in a festive mood. At the same time, the current trend is completely sanitary spaces with a lot of touch-less technology.

Stowing away tech ‘junk’

Another trend with luxury home buyers is to hide technology and portable work spaces such as mobile desks, rolling crates and hidden bookcases. With the increase interest in social media that captures a person in their home, it’s never been more important to craft a pleasant backdrop while protecting private information, family photos and other data.  When it’s easy to put away toys, technology and gadgets, it’s easier to use space for different purposes.

At J. Lambert Custom Homes, we focus on custom home building in the luxury real estate market. Some of our most popular styles include French, Tuscan, Mediterranean, Old World castles and Colonial style houses. We are award winning master builders in Fort Worth, Texas and nearby communities. For more information about making your dream home a reality, please contact us.

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