Building Custom Old World Style Homes

When you’ve decided to pursue a custom build, you’ve chosen to create a home that will be tailored to suit your style and vision. You don’t have to settle for templates, you can create your own blueprint. So, what are you looking for in your dream home? Here are 3 signs your dream design is Old World style.

Building Custom Old World Style Homes

Muted Colors

You wouldn’t dream of painting the walls of your home with bright, vibrant shades or pastel themes. Old World design focuses on regal and rich colors, which are muted to give the impression of being aged. Rooms appear sophisticated and warm, mirroring the atmosphere of European villages. Your home will tell a story through its color choices. Think creams, burgundy, forest green, and ivory.

Detail, Detail, Detail

Like we mentioned, you want your rooms to tell a story. Stories are told with detail! You enjoy furniture with a distressed look. Pieces that are handcrafted and appear to have survived throughout the ages. The walls of your home should be textured, such as plaster or stucco. You may even include stenciling and intricate ceilings. You dislike modern, sleek, and polished styles. You appreciate the beauty of handcrafted workmanship.

Visible Old World Style Architecture

Also, adverse to the modern design, you don’t want your home to hide its impressive architecture. Visible architecture creates a strong and formidable energy to a home. You enjoy exposed ceiling beams and brick walls. You want your doorways to be arched and grand. Why hide all of your home’s stunning detail away when you can showcase it?

Now that you’ve decided to pursue a custom build, it’s time to nail down your dream design and ideal style. With J. Lambert Custom Homes, you can depend on attention to detail and the highest quality standards. Have complete control over your dream design and layout, contact us today.

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